Various Types Of Foods That Can Improve The Mood Of The Day
Various Types Of Foods That Can Improve The Mood Of The Day – Mood is a temporary emotional state, which can take several minutes to several weeks. Mood affects the way a person responds some stimuli. For example, a depressed mood tends to respond negatively, while a happy mood tends to respond with enthusiasm.
In overcoming our moods up and down, sometimes we need something that can improve the mood again to become good, one of them by consuming food. The type of food does not need to be sophisticated and too expensive.
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Here are 5 types of simple foods that can improve your mood. Not only healthy and delicious, these foods can be the right mood-booster.
- Walnuts
This type of snack can release melatonin which can reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and prevent stress. Walnuts are rich in essential fats, improve mood, improve circulation in the blood, and treat depression. In addition, healthy hair and skin can also be obtained from walnut consumption. - Salmon
Salmon has a very high level of omega 3 which is known to be very effective in overcoming mood swings and depression. Omega 3 can improve memory and increase concentration. - Chocolate
Chocolate contains antioxidants, including magnesium, which makes the muscles relax, blood pressure can decrease and blood circulation better. Chocolate is proven to be an anti-stress drug, because chocolate contains psychoactive molecules that function as drugs that can provide comfort. And some ingredients such as caffeine are believed to eliminate tiredness and can also improve mood. For women, chocolate can also relieve the effects of premenstural syndrome (PMS). - Banana
Bananas contain vitamins, minerals and tryptophan. Tryptophan functions to increase serotonin levels. Vitamin B6 found in bananas converts tryptophan to serotonin, a hormone that regulates mood. - Avocado
Avocados are one of the foods that enhance mood. Avocados contains more folic acid than other fruits. Vitamin B in it is not only very beneficial for pregnant women, it also helps reduce homocysteine, an amino acid associated with anxiety and depression in the body. Avocados are also packed with Omega-3 which has long been associated with improved vision and heart health.
# Various Types Of Foods That Can Improve The Mood Of The Day