Let’s Get To Know Leon Tenada At The Lamaholot Festival (Nubun Tawa) 2019

Let’s Get To Know Leon Tenada At The Lamaholot Festival (Nubun Tawa) 2019

Let’s Get To Know Leon Tenada At The Lamaholot Festival (Nubun Tawa) 2019
Leon Tenada @reinha.com

REINHA.com – Leon Tenada is a culture or traditional archery on a predetermined object in East Flores. Leon Tenada is a gratitude event for a ritual or traditional activity that has been completed. Literally, the word Leon in Leon Tenada means archery, and Tenada means sign.

This tradition is often carried out after completed build a traditional house. And as gratitude, Raja Tuan (Tribal Chief) held the Leon Tenada event.

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Raja Tuan will put a piece of wood (an object) as the archer’s target. Then, Raja Tuan determined which tribes could participate in this event. The wood or an object in Leon Tenada which has been put on, is not a carelessly wooden but through the process of contemplation and is kept secret as a form of strategy to test the skill and endurance in the archery.

In Leon Tenada event at the Lamaholot Festival (Nubun Tawa) 2019, the marked object placed on a bamboo. The archer must put his arrow right at the sign that has been placed. If the arrow of the archer hits the object right on target, the bamboo will be cut off which is indicating that the match has finished.

(Video: Leon Tenada)

Leon Tenada is an originally event from Lamatou village. The tribes involved in this event for example Ruron, Hekin, Hewen and all other tribes in the village of Lamatou. But not only in Lamatou, Leon Tenada is also often done in Lewotala, where the process of the event is the same just like what was done in Lamatou.

The value that can be taken from the Leon Tenada is that when we have problems, we must look it very carefully, everything that is done must be focused, because all of it will bring succeed.

# Let’s Get To Know Leon Tenada At The Lamaholot Festival (Nubun Tawa) 2019

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